
Zeta functions and the (linear) logic of Markov processes. (English) Zbl 07906380

Summary: The author introduced models of linear logic known as “Interaction Graphs” which generalise Girard’s various geometry of interaction constructions. In this work, we establish how these models essentially rely on a deep connection between zeta functions and the execution of programs, expressed as a cocycle. This is first shown in the simple case of graphs, before begin lifted to dynamical systems. Focussing on probabilistic models, we then explain how the notion of graphings used in Interaction Graphs captures a natural class of sub-Markov processes. We then extend the realisability constructions and the notion of zeta function to provide a realisability model of second-order linear logic over the set of all (discrete-time) sub-Markov processes.


03B70 Logic in computer science
68-XX Computer science


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