
Majorana lattice gauge theory: symmetry breaking, topological order and intertwined orders all in one. (English) Zbl 07902454

Summary: The Majorana lattice gauge theory purely composed of Majorana fermions on square lattice is studied throughly. The ground state is obtained exactly and exhibits the coexistence of symmetry breaking and topological order. The \(Z_2\) symmetry breaking of matter fields leads to the intertwined antiferromagnetic spin order and \(\eta\)-pairing order. The topological order is reflected in the \(Z_2\) quantum spin liquid ground state of gauge fields. The Majorana lattice gauge theory, alternatively can be viewed as interacting Majorana fermion model, is possibly realized on a Majorana-zero-mode lattice.


81Pxx Foundations, quantum information and its processing, quantum axioms, and philosophy
81Vxx Applications of quantum theory to specific physical systems
82Bxx Equilibrium statistical mechanics


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