
Convergence guarantees for forward gradient descent in the linear regression model. (English) Zbl 07901368

Summary: Renewed interest in the relationship between artificial and biological neural networks motivates the study of gradient-free methods. Considering the linear regression model with random design, we theoretically analyze in this work the biologically motivated (weight-perturbed) forward gradient scheme that is based on random linear combination of the gradient. If \(d\) denotes the number of parameters and \(k\) the number of samples, we prove that the mean squared error of this method converges for \(k \gtrsim d^{2} \log (d)\) with rate \(d^{2} \log (d) / k\). Compared to the dimension dependence \(d\) for stochastic gradient descent, an additional factor \(d \log (d)\) occurs.


62L20 Stochastic approximation
62J05 Linear regression; mixed models


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