
Self-similar blow-up solutions in the generalised Korteweg-de Vries equation: spectral analysis, normal form and asymptotics. (English) Zbl 07900889

Summary: In the present work we revisit the problem of the generalised Korteweg-de Vries equation parametrically, as a function of the relevant nonlinearity exponent, to examine the emergence of blow-up solutions, as traveling waveforms lose their stability past a critical point of the relevant parameter \(p\), here at \(p=5\). We provide a normal form of the associated collapse dynamics, and illustrate how this captures the collapsing branch bifurcating from the unstable traveling branch. We also systematically characterise the linearisation spectrum of not only the traveling states, but importantly of the emergent collapsing waveforms in the so-called co-exploding frame where these waveforms are identified as stationary states. This spectrum, in addition to two positive real eigenvalues which are shown to be associated with the symmetries of translation and scaling invariance of the original (non-exploding) frame features complex patterns of negative eigenvalues that we also fully characterise. We show that the phenomenology of the latter is significantly affected by the boundary conditions and is far more complicated than in the corresponding symmetric Laplacian case of the nonlinear Schrödinger problem that has recently been explored. In addition, we explore the dynamics of the unstable solitary waves for \(p>5\) in the co-exploding frame.
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35Q53 KdV equations (Korteweg-de Vries equations)
35B06 Symmetries, invariants, etc. in context of PDEs
35B32 Bifurcations in context of PDEs
35B44 Blow-up in context of PDEs
35C06 Self-similar solutions to PDEs
34E10 Perturbations, asymptotics of solutions to ordinary differential equations
34E20 Singular perturbations, turning point theory, WKB methods for ordinary differential equations
47A75 Eigenvalue problems for linear operators
37G05 Normal forms for dynamical systems
37L10 Normal forms, center manifold theory, bifurcation theory for infinite-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems
65M08 Finite volume methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
65M06 Finite difference methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
65N08 Finite volume methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs


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[45] Note that the work of [] does not include the first term on the RHS of Equation . However, omitting this term does not affect the solvability condition. Essentially the analysis in [] perturbs only the p which appears as a coefficient, not that which appears as an exponent, that is, they solve \(\frac{ \partial w}{ \partial \tau}=-\frac{ \partial^3 w}{ \partial \xi^3}-\frac{ \partial w^5}{ \partial \xi}+G(\frac{2}{ p - 1}w+\xi\frac{ \partial w}{ \partial \xi})+\frac{ \partial w}{ \partial \xi}.\)
[46] We note that there is a missing factor of 2 in the corresponding equations in [].
[47] If we followed [] and missed out all the terms associated with perturbing the power, then we would find \(p_1=-c\frac{{\displaystyle \int_{- \operatorname{\infty}}^{\operatorname{\infty}} ( - 20 \frac{ \partial w_0}{ \partial \xi} w_0^3 \hat{w}_{\operatorname{odd}} + \frac{w_0}{2} + \xi \frac{ \partial w_0}{ \partial \xi} ) \hat{w}_{\operatorname{even}} \operatorname{d} \xi}}{{\displaystyle \int_{- \operatorname{\infty}}^{\operatorname{\infty}} \frac{1}{8} w_0^2 \operatorname{d} \xi}}\approx-5.07c.\) It seems like the extra terms integrate to zero, i.e. \({\displaystyle \int_{- \operatorname{\infty}}^{\operatorname{\infty}} \frac{ \partial w_0}{ \partial \xi} ( - 20 w_0^3 W_1 - w_0^4 - 5 w_0^4 \log w_0 ) \hat{w}_{\operatorname{odd}} + ( \frac{w_0}{2} + \xi \frac{ \partial w_0}{ \partial \xi} ) W_1 \operatorname{d} \xi = 0}\) though we have been unable to show this.
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