
The geometric median and applications to robust mean estimation. (English) Zbl 07892644

Summary: This paper is devoted to the statistical and numerical properties of the geometric median and its applications to the problem of robust mean estimation via the median of means principle. Our main theoretical results include (a) an upper bound for the distance between the mean and the median for general absolutely continuous distributions in \(\mathbb{R}^d\), and examples of specific classes of distributions for which these bounds do not depend on the ambient dimension \(d\); (b) exponential deviation inequalities for the distance between the sample and the population versions of the geometric median, which again depend only on the trace-type quantities and not on the ambient dimension. As a corollary, we deduce improved bounds for the (geometric) median of means estimator that hold for large classes of heavy-tailed distributions. Finally, we address the error of numerical approximation, which is an important practical aspect of any statistical estimation procedure. We demonstrate that the objective function minimized by the geometric median satisfies a “local quadratic growth” condition that allows one to translate suboptimality bounds for the objective function to the corresponding bounds for the numerical approximation to the median itself and propose a simple stopping rule applicable to any optimization method which yields explicit error guarantees. We conclude with the numerical experiments, including the application to estimation of mean values of log-returns for S&P 500 data.


62G35 Nonparametric robustness
60E15 Inequalities; stochastic orderings


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