
Convergent data-driven regularizations for CT reconstruction. (English) Zbl 07883806

Summary: The reconstruction of images from their corresponding noisy Radon transform is a typical example of an ill-posed linear inverse problem as arising in the application of computerized tomography (CT). As the (naïve) solution does not depend on the measured data continuously, regularization is needed to reestablish a continuous dependence. In this work, we investigate simple, but yet still provably convergent approaches to learning linear regularization methods from data. More specifically, we analyze two approaches: one generic linear regularization that learns how to manipulate the singular values of the linear operator in an extension of our previous work, and one tailored approach in the Fourier domain that is specific to CT-reconstruction. We prove that such approaches become convergent regularization methods as well as the fact that the reconstructions they provide are typically much smoother than the training data they were trained on. Finally, we compare the spectral as well as the Fourier-based approaches for CT-reconstruction numerically, discuss their advantages and disadvantages and investigate the effect of discretization errors at different resolutions.


47A52 Linear operators and ill-posed problems, regularization
65J22 Numerical solution to inverse problems in abstract spaces
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence




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