
Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions. (English) Zbl 07880429

Summary: Experimental progress in atomic, molecular, and optical platforms in the last decade has stimulated strong and broad interest in the quantum coherent dynamics of many long-range interacting particles. The prominent collective character of these systems enables novel non-equilibrium phenomena with no counterpart in conventional quantum systems with local interactions. Much of the theory work in this area either focussed on the impact of variable-range interaction tails on the physics of local interactions or relied on mean-field-like descriptions based on the opposite limit of all-to-all infinite-range interactions. In this Report, we present a systematic and organic review of recent advances in the field. Working with prototypical interacting quantum spin lattices without disorder, our presentation hinges upon a versatile theoretical formalism that interpolates between the few-body mean-field physics and the many-body physics of quasi-local interactions. Such a formalism allows us to connect these two regimes, providing both a formal quantitative tool and basic physical intuition. We leverage this unifying framework to review several findings of the last decade, including the peculiar non-ballistic spreading of quantum correlations, counter-intuitive slowdown of entanglement dynamics, suppression of thermalization and equilibration, anomalous scaling of defects upon traversing criticality, dynamical phase transitions, and genuinely non-equilibrium phases stabilized by periodic driving. The style of this Report is on the pedagogical side, which makes it accessible to readers without previous experience in the subject matter.


81-XX Quantum theory
82-XX Statistical mechanics, structure of matter


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