
A triple bottom line optimization model for assignment and routing of on-demand home services. (English) Zbl 07877735

Summary: ‘On-demand home services’ is a fast-growing industry where online platforms match independent service professionals with customers seeking aid for household tasks. In this paper, we study the assignment and routing of service professionals for serving customers of an on-demand home services platform considering the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) criteria for ensuring sustainability in operations. We characterize this as the Home Services Assignment and Routing Problem with the Triple Bottom Line (HSARP-TBL) and implement a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model for solving it. We assign service professionals to customers based on their desired time slots and also transport modes for each customer visit by a professional, considering either combinations of public transport or a personal vehicle for each professional’s tour. The objective is to minimize costs due to time window violations and uncovered customers, catering to the economic pillar of the TBL. We incorporate additional constraints related to the TBL by improving customer satisfaction based on the ratings of assigned professionals to customers, with and without subscription (economic), controlling emissions due to transportation of professionals (environmental) and ensuring equity in service allocation and net earnings between professionals (social). For tackling large instances we implement a Hybrid Genetic Search (HGS) algorithm adapting it to our problem setting. We demonstrate that the HGS outperforms the MILP model systematically for large instances in terms of solution value and computational time. Finally, we observe that for some instances, without worsening the primary economic objective, all the TBL indicators can be improved.


90Bxx Operations research and management science


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