
\(w_{1+ \infty}\) and Carrollian holography. (English) Zbl 07877446

Summary: In a 1 + 2D Carrollian conformal field theory, the Ward identities of the two local fields \(S_0^+\) and \(S_1^+ \), entirely built out of the Carrollian conformal stress-tensor, contain respectively up to the leading and the subleading positive helicity soft graviton theorems in the 1 + 3D asymptotically flat space-time. This work investigates how the subsubleading soft graviton theorem can be encoded into the Ward identity of a Carrollian conformal field \(S_2^+\). The operator product expansion (OPE) \(S_2^+S_2^+\) is constructed using general Carrollian conformal symmetry principles and the OPE commutativity property, under the assumption that any time-independent, non-Identity field that is mutually local with \(S_0^+\), \(S_1^+\), \(S_2^+\) has positive Carrollian scaling dimension. It is found that, for this OPE to be consistent, another local field \(S_3^+\) must automatically exist in the theory. The presence of an infinite tower of local fields \(S_{k \geq 3}^+\) is then revealed iteratively as a consistency condition for the \(S_2^+S_{k-1}^+\) OPE. The general \(S_k^+S_l^+\) OPE is similarly obtained and the symmetry algebra manifest in this OPE is found to be the Kac-Moody algebra of the wedge sub-algebra of \(w_{1+ \infty}\). The Carrollian time-coordinate plays the central role in this purely holographic construction. The 2D Celestial conformally soft graviton primary \(H^k(z, \bar{z})\) is realized to be contained in the Carrollian conformal primary \(S_{1-k}^+(t, z, \bar{z})\). Finally, the existence of the infinite tower of fields \(S_k^+\) is shown to be directly related to an infinity of positive helicity soft graviton theorems.


81-XX Quantum theory


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