
Spectra and dynamics of generalized Cesàro operators in (LF) and (PLB) sequence spaces. (English) Zbl 07873839

The main object of the paper is the so-called generalized Cesàro operator \(C_t,\,t\in[0,1]\) defined as \[ C_t(x):=\Big(\frac{t^nx_0+t^{n-1}x_1+\ldots+x_n}{n+1}\Big)_{n\in\mathbb{N}_0} \] where \(x=(x_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}_0}\) is any sequence. For \(t=1\) the authors recover the classical Cesàro operator \(C_1\). The framework for the study of this operator are specific (LF)- and (PLB)-spaces. These are sequence spaces arising from \(\ell_p\)-spaces, \(p\in[1,\infty]\) by implementing a projective/inductive limit procedure. The paper consists of 5 sections. After Introduction (Section 1) the authors present their preliminary results (Section 2). The next section delivers the definition of the (LF)-spaces \(L(p-),\,C(p-),\,D(p-)\) as well as the (PLB)-spaces \(L(p+),\,C(p+),\,D(p+)\) together with their basic properties. The main part of the paper are Sections 4 and 5. In the first of them the authors study spectra of \(C_t\) and in the last one they deal with linear dynamics of this operator. Specifically, the study power boundedness, mean ergodicity and hypercyclicity of \(C_t\).


46A45 Sequence spaces (including Köthe sequence spaces)
47B37 Linear operators on special spaces (weighted shifts, operators on sequence spaces, etc.)
46A13 Spaces defined by inductive or projective limits (LB, LF, etc.)
47A10 Spectrum, resolvent
47A35 Ergodic theory of linear operators
47A16 Cyclic vectors, hypercyclic and chaotic operators


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