
Theoretical analysis of decoding failure rate of non-binary QC-MDPC codes. (English) Zbl 07860285

Esser, Andre (ed.) et al., Code-based cryptography. 11th international workshop, CBCrypto 2023, Lyon, France, April 22–23, 2023. Revised selected papers. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14311, 35-55 (2023).
Summary: In this paper, we study the decoding failure rate (DFR) of non-binary QC-MDPC codes using theoretical tools, extending the results of previous binary QC-MDPC code studies. The theoretical estimates of the DFR are particularly significant for cryptographic applications of QC-MDPC codes. Specifically, in the binary case, it is established that exploiting decoding failures makes it possible to recover the secret key of a QC-MDPC cryptosystem. This implies that to attain the desired security level against adversaries in the CCA2 model, the decoding failure rate must be strictly upper-bounded to be negligibly small. In this paper, we observe that this attack can also be extended to the non-binary case as well, which underscores the importance of DFR estimation. Consequently, we study the guaranteed error-correction capability of non-binary QC-MDPC codes under one-step majority logic (OSML) decoder and provide a theoretical analysis of the 1-iteration parallel symbol flipping decoder and its combination with OSML decoder. Utilizing these results, we estimate the potential public-key sizes for QC-MDPC cryptosystems over \(\mathbb{F}_4\) for various security levels. We find that there is no advantage in reducing key sizes when compared to the binary case.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1539.94001].


94Bxx Theory of error-correcting codes and error-detecting codes
94A60 Cryptography


McEliece; BIKE
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