
On the numerical treatment of interlaced target values: modeling, optimization and simulation of regulating valves in gas networks. (English) Zbl 07857727

Summary: Due to the current and foreseeable shifts towards carbon dioxide neutral energy production, which will likely result in balancing fluctuating renewable energy generation by transforming power-to-gas-to-power as well as building a large-scale hydrogen transport infrastructure, the trading and transport operations of gas will become more dynamic, volatile, and hence also less predictable. Therefore, computer-aided support in terms of rapid simulation and control optimization will further broaden its importance for gas network dispatching. In this paper, we aim to contribute and openly publish two new mathematical models for regulators, also referred to as control valves, which together with compressors make up the most complex and involved types of active elements in gas network infrastructures. They provide direct control over gas networks but are in turn controlled via target values, also known as set-point values, themselves. Our models incorporate up to six dynamical target values to define desired transient states for the elements’ local vicinity within the network. That is, each pair of every two target values defines a bounding box for the inlet pressure, outlet pressure as well as the passing mass flow of gas. In the proposed models, those target values are prioritized differently and are constantly in competition with each other, which can only be resolved dynamically at run-time of either a simulation or optimization process. Besides careful derivation, we compare simulation and optimization results with predictions of the widely adopted commercial simulation tool SIMONE, serving as our substitute for actual real-world transport operations.


90C11 Mixed integer programming
90C90 Applications of mathematical programming


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