
Fast generation of the non-trivial ground states of the Agassi model with a quantum simulator. (English) Zbl 07855795

Summary: Here we present a superadiabatic scheme on a quantum computer to quickly prepare the ground state of the Agassi model, a typical quadrupole plus pairing model with broad applications in nuclear physics as well as many-body systems. By virtue of the Floquet-engineering counterdiabatic driving, this method can accelerate the conventional quantum adiabatic driving without extra control fields. Compared to the adiabatic protocol, the resulting scheme allows for a drastic increase in the final fidelity within a short evolution time, which can effectively inhibit the decoherence effects in quantum simulators. Numerical simulations demonstrate the feasibility of this proposal for fast generating the ground state of Agassi model with different sites. This research opens an avenue for future quantum simulations, and provides a useful method to address currently unanswered questions in nuclear physics using intermediate-scale quantum coprocessors.


81-XX Quantum theory
83-XX Relativity and gravitational theory
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