
Left-linear completion with AC axioms. (English) Zbl 07838499

Pientka, Brigitte (ed.) et al., Automated deduction – CADE 29. 29th international conference on automated deduction, Rome, Italy, July 1–4, 2023. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14132, 401-418 (2023).
Summary: We revisit AC completion for left-linear term rewrite systems where AC unification is avoided and the normal rewrite relation can be used in order to decide validity questions. To that end, we give a new correctness proof for finite runs and establish a simulation result between the two inference systems known from the literature. Furthermore, we show how left-linear AC completion can be simulated by general AC completion. In particular, this result allows us to switch from the former to the latter at any point during a completion process. Finally, we present experimental results for our implementation of left-linear AC completion in the tool accompll.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1535.68012].


03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations
68V15 Theorem proving (automated and interactive theorem provers, deduction, resolution, etc.)


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