
Re-identification in the absence of common variables for matching. (English) Zbl 07776803

Summary: A basic concern in statistical disclosure limitation is the re-identification of individuals in anonymised microdata. Linking against a second dataset that contains identifying information can result in a breach of confidentiality. Almost all linkage approaches are based on comparing the values of variables that are common to both datasets. It is tempting to think that if datasets contain no common variables, then there can be no risk of re-identification. However, linkage has been attempted between such datasets via the extraction of structural information using ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operators. Although this approach has been shown to perform better than randomly pairing records, it is debatable whether it demonstrates a practically significant disclosure risk. This paper reviews some of the main aspects of statistical disclosure limitation. It then goes on to show that a relatively simple, supervised Bayesian approach can consistently outperform OWA linkage. Furthermore, the Bayesian approach demonstrates a significant risk of re-identification for the types of data considered in the OWA record linkage literature.


62Fxx Parametric inference
05Cxx Graph theory
62Hxx Multivariate analysis


UCI-ml; FaceTracer


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