
Happy set problem on subclasses of co-comparability graphs. (English) Zbl 07767692

Summary: In this paper, we investigate the complexity of the Maximum Happy Set problem on subclasses of co-comparability graphs. For a graph \(G\) and its vertex subset \(S\), a vertex \(v \in S\) is happy if all \(v\)’s neighbors in \(G\) are contained in \(S\). Given a graph \(G\) and a non-negative integer \(k\),Maximum Happy Set is the problem of finding a vertex subset \(S\) of \(G\) such that \(|S|= k\) and the number of happy vertices in \(S\) is maximized. In this paper, we first show that Maximum Happy Set is NP-hard even for co-bipartite graphs. We then give an algorithm for \(n\)-vertex interval graphs whose running time is \(O(n^2 + k^3n)\); this improves the best known running time \(O(kn^8)\) for interval graphs. We also design algorithms for \(n\)-vertex permutation graphs and \(d\)-trapezoid graphs which run in \(O(n^2 + k^3n)\) and \(O(n^2 + d^2(k+1)^{3d}n)\) time, respectively. These algorithmic results provide a nice contrast to the fact that Maximum Happy Set remains NP-hard for chordal graphs, comparability graphs, and co-comparability graphs.


68Wxx Algorithms in computer science
05Cxx Graph theory
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