
Selected aspects of non orthogonal multiple access for future wireless communications. (English) Zbl 07702680

Summary: In this paper overview of recent selected works that deal with novel directions in which Non orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) research is progressing is presented. These include the cell-free NOMA, deep learning extensions and optimizations of NOMA, energy optimization and task offloading with mobile-edge computing, NOMA and physical layer security, as well as virtualization, centralized-RAN aspects. All these are hot issues towards deployments of NOMA in the designs of beyond 5G and 6th generation (6G) wireless communication networks. Even though 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has not yet made the decision regarding which NOMA techniques should be adopted, it seems like researchers already indicate clearly that NOMA has important place in the future network deployments based on ultra-density, novel 5G use-cases (massive machine type communications, ultra-reliable low latency communications). This paper highlights the most promising directions for NOMA research. The paper is summarized with necessary steps that are required to get NOMA into practical usage.


68M10 Network design and communication in computer systems




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