
Computing equivariant homotopy with a splitting method. (English) Zbl 07690047

This article focuses on the computation of equivariant homotopy groups of \(G\)-spectra, where \(G\) is a finite group. For a \(G\)-spectrum \(X\), the group \(\pi_V^G(X)\) localized at the prime \(p\) is expressed as the limit of a diagram of equivariant homotopy groups for the actions of \(p\)-subgroups and \(p\)-subquotients of \(G\) on \(X\) and its geometric fixed points, respectively. By a local-to-global argument, the group \(\pi_V^G(X)\) is also the limit of a larger diagram with the same equivariant homotopy groups, but now running over all primes dividing the order of \(G\). Equivariant stable homotopy for finite group actions is thus reduced to the case of \(p\)-groups.
This method is illustrated with the full computation of the equivariant homotopy groups of the Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum \(H\underline{\mathbb{Z}}\) for the actions of \(D_{2p}\) and \(A_5\), and some partial computations. Another consequence of this decomposition is a different approach to the evenness conjecture for \(MU_G\). Namely, if the homotopy of \(MU_P \wedge (BU_P)^{\wedge n}_+\) is even for any \(p\)-subquotient of \(G\) and any \(n \geq 0\), then the homotopy of \(MU_G\) is even.
The proof of the decomposition requires the study of the universal \(G\)-space \(E\mathcal{F}\) for actions with isotropy in a family \(\mathcal{F}\) of subgroups of \(G\). The author determines the type of torsion appearing in the Mackey-functor-valued homology of \(E\mathcal{F}\) with coefficients in the Burnside ring of \(G\). This is used to find which primes must be inverted to split the cofiber sequence \(\Sigma^{\infty}E\mathcal{F}_+ \to S \to \Sigma^{\infty}\widetilde{E\mathcal{F}}\), where \(S\) is the sphere spectrum. As a byproduct, one obtains a stable elements formula for the localization of \(\pi_V^G(E\mathcal{F}_+ \wedge X)\) at the prime \(p\), when \(\mathcal{F}\) is the family of \(p\)-subgroups of \(G\).


55P91 Equivariant homotopy theory in algebraic topology
55P43 Spectra with additional structure (\(E_\infty\), \(A_\infty\), ring spectra, etc.)


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