
Reconstruction of three-dimensional turbulent flow structures using surface measurements for free-surface flows based on a convolutional neural network. (English) Zbl 07668170

The authors present a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) designed to reconstruct the subsurface flow velocity of a turbulent open-channel flow using the surface information and investigate the relationship of the reconstruction performance to the flow physics. The CNN model consists of an encoder that extracts information from a two-dimensional discrete grid of surface variables, including the surface elevation and the fluctuating surface velocities, and a decoder that reconstructs a three-dimensional velocity field from the extracted surface information. It is found that the CNN method can infer the near-surface velocities with high accuracy, as verified by both a visual inspection of instantaneous fields and quantitative measures using normalised mean squared errors. The amplitude spectra and the phase errors of different Fourier modes are also analysed to assess the scale-specific reconstruction performance. The performance assessments indicate that the proposed CNN model is an effective tool for inferring the subsurface flow field and by using this method, a considerable amount of subsurface flow information, including the three-dimensional velocities of certain large-scale flow structures in the lower half of the channel, can be inferred from free surfaces.


76M21 Inverse problems in fluid mechanics
76F10 Shear flows and turbulence
76F65 Direct numerical and large eddy simulation of turbulence
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
68T07 Artificial neural networks and deep learning


NVAE; EfficientNet


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