
Time and space complexity of deterministic and nondeterministic decision trees. (English) Zbl 07644142

Summary: In this paper, we study arbitrary infinite binary information systems each of which consists of an infinite set called universe and an infinite set of two-valued functions (attributes) defined on the universe. We consider the notion of a problem over information system, which is described by a finite number of attributes and a mapping associating a decision to each tuple of attribute values. As algorithms for problem solving, we use deterministic and nondeterministic decision trees. As time and space complexity, we study the depth and the number of nodes in the decision trees. In the worst case, with the growth of the number of attributes in the problem description, (i) the minimum depth of deterministic decision trees grows either almost as logarithm or linearly, (ii) the minimum depth of nondeterministic decision trees either is bounded from above by a constant or grows linearly, (iii) the minimum number of nodes in deterministic decision trees has either polynomial or exponential growth, and (iv) the minimum number of nodes in nondeterministic decision trees has either polynomial or exponential growth. Based on these results, we divide the set of all infinite binary information systems into five complexity classes, and study for each class issues related to time-space trade-off for decision trees.


68Txx Artificial intelligence


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