
Nonparametric Bayesian two-level clustering for subject-level single-cell expression data. (English) Zbl 07601219

Summary: The advent of single-cell sequencing opens new avenues for personalized treatment. In this study, we address a two-level clustering problem of simultaneous subject subgroup discovery (subject level) and cell type detection (cell level) for single-cell expression data from multiple subjects. Current statistical approaches either cluster cells without considering the subject heterogeneity, or group subjects without using the single-cell information. To bridge the gap between cell clustering and subject grouping, we develop a nonparametric Bayesian model, Subject and Cell clustering for Single-Cell expression data (SCSC) model, to achieve subject and cell grouping simultaneously. The SCSC model does not need to prespecify the subject subgroup number or the cell type number. It automatically induces subject subgroup structures and matches cell types across subjects. Moreover, it directly models the single-cell raw count data by deliberately considering the data’s dropouts, library sizes, and over-dispersion. A blocked Gibbs sampler is proposed for the posterior inference. Simulation studies and an application to a multi-subject induced pluripotent stem cell single-cell RNA sequencing data set validate the ability of the SCSC model to simultaneously cluster subjects and cells.


62-XX Statistics


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