
The Jacobson radical of a propositional theory. (English) Zbl 07550752

Summary: Alongside the analogy between maximal ideals and complete theories, the Jacobson radical carries over from ideals of commutative rings to theories of propositional calculi. This prompts a variant of Lindenbaum’s Lemma that relates classical validity and intuitionistic provability, and the syntactical counterpart of which is Glivenko’s Theorem. The Jacobson radical in fact turns out to coincide with the classical deductive closure. As a by-product we obtain a possible interpretation in logic of the axioms-as-rules conservation criterion for a multi-conclusion Scott-style entailment relation over a single-conclusion one.


03F03 Proof theory in general (including proof-theoretic semantics)
03F65 Other constructive mathematics
13C10 Projective and free modules and ideals in commutative rings




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