
SingleCross-clustering: an algorithm for finding elongated clusters with automatic estimation of outliers and number of clusters. (English) Zbl 07545871

Summary: Many clustering methods perform well with spherical clusters but poorly with elongated clusters. The Single-linkage method is suitable for finding such type of long clusters, but it can be sensitive to outliers and noise in the data, causing the so-called chain-effect. This work proposes a modification of Cross-Clustering algorithm, the SingleCross-Clustering (SCC), a partial clustering algorithm that estimates the number of clusters, recognizes outliers and that is useful for the identification of elongated clusters. SCC has been validated by comparing it with a number of existing clustering methods, showing on both simulated and real datasets that SCC is a reliable solution for the identification of the correct number of clusters and of the number of clusters memberships. The algorithm has been implemented in the R package CrossClustering, which can be downloaded for free from the CRAN contributed package repository.


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