
Evaluation of a program for promoting physical activity and well-being: Friuli Venezia Giulia in Movimento. (English) Zbl 07535251

Summary: This article presents an evaluation of the “Friuli Venezia Giulia in Movimento” project, aimed at promoting the culture of movement and well-being in a region which is particularly affected by population ageing. The goals of the project reside in promoting appropriate lifestyles through the endorsement of healthy behaviours (physical activity, healthy nutrition, well-being); increasing the number of physically active people in the various municipal territories, by enhancing or creating new pedestrian paths that reflect the 10,000-step goal; enhancing the local territory by promoting the existing paths and the initiatives already in place; promoting new paths and environments conducive to physical activity for people of all ages; encouraging the creation of new “walking groups” and the adhesion of people to them to promote physical activity and socialisation, with the consequent improvement of psychophysical well-being. Although the evaluation is still on-going, the preliminary results – obtained by means of two surveys and a multilevel model – show that the initial steps of the project have been carried out satisfactorily and that Municipalities still need to be supported in order to achieve good participation on part of the citizens.


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