
On the geometric red-blue set cover problem. (English) Zbl 07405957

Uehara, Ryuhei (ed.) et al., WALCOM: algorithms and computation. 15th international conference and workshops, WALCOM 15, Yangon, Myanmar, February 28 – March 2, 2021. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 12635, 129-141 (2021).
Summary: We study the variations of the geometric Red-Blue Set Cover (RBSC) problem in the plane using various geometric objects. We show that the RBSC problem with intervals on the real line is polynomial-time solvable. The problem is \(\mathsf{NP} \)-hard for rectangles anchored on two parallel lines and rectangles intersecting a horizontal line. The problem admits a polynomial-time algorithm for axis-parallel lines. However, if the objects are horizontal lines and vertical segments, the problem becomes \(\mathsf{NP} \)-hard. Further, the problem is \(\mathsf{NP} \)-hard for axis-parallel unit segments.
We introduce a variation of the Red-Blue Set Cover problem with the set system, the Special-Red-Blue Set Cover problem, and show that the problem is \(\mathsf{APX} \)-hard. We then show that several geometric variations of the problem with: (i) axis-parallel rectangles containing the origin in the plane, (ii) axis-parallel strips, (iii) axis-parallel rectangles that are intersecting exactly zero or four times, (iv) axis-parallel line segments, and (v) downward shadows of line segments, are \(\mathsf{APX} \)-hard by providing encodings of these problems as the Special-Red-Blue Set Cover problem. This is on the same line of the work by Chan and Grant [6], who provided the \(\mathsf{APX} \)-hardness results of the geometric set cover problem for the above classes of objects.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1470.68028].


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