
Degrees of freedom in low rank matrix estimation. (English) Zbl 06712162

Summary: The objective of this paper is to quantify the complexity of rank and nuclear norm constrained methods for low rank matrix estimation problems. Specifically, we derive analytic forms of the degrees of freedom for these types of estimators in several common settings. These results provide efficient ways of comparing different estimators and eliciting tuning parameters. Moreover, our analyses reveal new insights on the behavior of these low rank matrix estimators. These observations are of great theoretical and practical importance. In particular, they suggest that, contrary to conventional wisdom, for rank constrained estimators the total number of free parameters underestimates the degrees of freedom, whereas for nuclear norm penalization, it overestimates the degrees of freedom. In addition, when using most model selection criteria to choose the tuning parameter for nuclear norm penalization, it oftentimes suffices to entertain a finite number of candidates as opposed to a continuum of choices. Numerical examples are also presented to illustrate the practical implications of our results.


62J99 Linear inference, regression
62H12 Estimation in multivariate analysis
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