
GeT a CAKE: Generic Transformations from Key encaspulation mechanisms to password Authenticated Key Exchanges. (English) Zbl 1542.94148

Tibouchi, Mehdi (ed.) et al., Applied cryptography and network security. 21st international conference, ACNS 2023, Kyoto, Japan, June 19–22, 2023. Proceedings. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13906, 516-538 (2023).
Summary: Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) have become a key building block in many security products as they provide interesting efficiency/security trade-offs. Indeed, a PAKE allows to dispense with the heavy public key infrastructures and its efficiency and portability make it well suited for applications such as Internet of Things or e-passports. With the emerging quantum threat and the effervescent development of post-quantum public key algorithms in the last five years, one would wonder how to modify existing password authenticated key exchange protocols that currently rely on Diffie-Hellman problems in order to include newly introduced and soon-to-be-standardized post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms \((\mathsf{KEM})\). A generic solution is desirable for maintaining modularity and adaptability with the many post-quantum \(\mathsf{KEM}\) that have been introduced.
In this paper, we propose two new generic and natural constructions proven in the Universal Composability (UC) model to transform, in a black-box manner, a \(\mathsf{KEM}\) into a PAKE with very limited performance overhead: one or two extra symmetric encryptions. Behind the simplicity of the designs, establishing security proofs in the UC model is actually non-trivial and requires some additional properties on the underlying KEM like fuzziness and anonymity. Luckily, post-quantum \(\mathsf{KEM}\) protocols often enjoy these two extra properties. As a demonstration, we prove that it is possible to apply our transformations to Crystals-Kyber, a lattice-based post-quantum KEM that will soon be standardized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In a nutshell, this work opens up the possibility to securely include post-quantum cryptography in PAKE-based real-world protocols.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1523.94004].


94A62 Authentication, digital signatures and secret sharing
94A60 Cryptography
81P94 Quantum cryptography (quantum-theoretic aspects)
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