
Solving non-permutation flow-shop scheduling problem via a novel deep reinforcement learning approach. (English) Zbl 1542.90125

Summary: The non-permutation flow-shop scheduling problem (NPFS) is studied. We model it as a Markov decision process, creating a massive arena for reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms to work. While RL approaches with function approximation generate a significant number of sequences of highly linked states, few studies have examined the connection between the state sequences but merely shuffled their orders. To this end, this paper proposes a novel deep reinforcement learning algorithm, named LSTM-TD(0), to address NPFS. Specifically, we design fifteen state features to represent a production state at each scheduling point and fourteen actions to choose an unprocessed operation on a given machine. This study applies long short-term memory (LSTM) network to capture the intrinsic connection of the state sequences in RL-based scheduling approaches. Moreover, we enhance the LSTM model with the one-step temporal difference (TD(0)) algorithm to select each action impartially in relation to the state value, avoiding the frequent overestimation of action values in Q-learning. The proposed LSTM-TD(0) was trained using two LSTM networks and enhanced by redesigning the reward value. A series of comparative experiments were conducted between simple heuristic rules, metaheuristic rules, general DRL methods, and LSTM-TD(0) using a group of well-known benchmark problems with different scales. Comparative results have confirmed both the superiority and universality of LSTM-TD(0) over its competitors. Scalability tests reveal that our approach can generalize to instances of different sizes without retraining or knowledge transferring.


90B35 Deterministic scheduling theory in operations research
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
90C59 Approximation methods and heuristics in mathematical programming
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