
Joint Bayesian analysis of large angular scale CMB temperature anomalies. (English) Zbl 1541.83189

Summary: Cosmic microwave background measurements show an agreement with the concordance cosmology model except for a few notable anomalies: Power Suppression, the lack of large scale power in the temperature data compared to what is expected in the concordance model, and Cosmic Hemispherical Asymmetry, a dipolar breakdown of statistical isotropy. An expansion of the CMB covariance in Bipolar Spherical Harmonics naturally parametrizes both these large-scale anomalies, allowing us to perform an exhaustive, fully Bayesian joint analysis of the power spectrum and violations of statistical isotropy up to the dipole level. Our analysis sheds light on the scale dependence of the Cosmic Hemispherical Asymmetry. Assuming a scale-dependent dipole modulation model with a two-parameter power law form, we explore the posterior pdf of amplitude \(A(l = 16)\) and the power law index \(\alpha\) and find the maximum a posteriori values \(A_*(l = 16) = 0.064 \pm 0.022\) and \(\alpha_* = -0.92 \pm 0.22\). The maximum a posteriori direction associated with the Cosmic Hemispherical Asymmetry is \((l, b) = (247.8^\circ, -19.6^\circ)\) in Galactic coordinates, consistent with previous analyses. We evaluate the Bayes factor \(B_{SI\text{-}DM}\) to compare the Cosmic Hemispherical Asymmetry model with the isotropic model. The data prefer but do not substantially favor the anisotropic model (\(B_{SI\text{-}DM}=0.4\)). We consider several priors and find that this evidence ratio is robust to prior choice. The large-scale power suppression does not soften when jointly inferring both the isotropic power spectrum and the parameters of the asymmetric model, indicating no evidence that these anomalies are coupled.


83F05 Relativistic cosmology
85A40 Astrophysical cosmology


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