
More on Schwarzschild black hole with ultra-violet cutoff. (English) Zbl 1540.83051

Summary: Quantum gravity proposals predict the existence of two natural cutoffs, i.e., a minimal measurable length and a maximal measurable momentum in the ultra-violet (UV) regime or Planck scale, which makes the geometry of the Universe to be discrete. UV cutoffs can regularise the high energy scale of the quantum field theories. In this paper, we aim to consider the GUP-modified Schwarzschild black hole metric in the presence of the minimal measurable length and maximal measurable momentum to investigate how these UV cutoffs affect the stability of circular orbits of black hole accretion disks, shadow behavior and deflection angle, redshift of black hole accretion disks, gravitational tidal forces, and the geodetic drift rate. We also, compare the shadow size of the GUP-modified Schwarzschild black hole with the shadow size of the M87* supermassive black hole captured by Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaborations to constrain GUP parameter in the setup.


83C57 Black holes
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
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