
Reinforcement-learning-based control of convectively unstable flows. (English) Zbl 1539.76055

Summary: This work reports the application of a model-free deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based flow control strategy to suppress perturbations evolving in the one-dimensional linearised Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation and two-dimensional boundary layer flows. The former is commonly used to model the disturbance developing in flat-plate boundary layer flows. These flow systems are convectively unstable, being able to amplify the upstream disturbance, and are thus difficult to control. The control action is implemented through a volumetric force at a fixed position, and the control performance is evaluated by the reduction of perturbation amplitude downstream. We first demonstrate the effectiveness of the DRL-based control in the KS system subjected to a random upstream noise. The amplitude of perturbation monitored downstream is reduced significantly, and the learnt policy is shown to be robust to both measurement and external noise. One of our focuses is to place sensors optimally in the DRL control using the gradient-free particle swarm optimisation algorithm. After the optimisation process for different numbers of sensors, a specific eight-sensor placement is found to yield the best control performance. The optimised sensor placement in the KS equation is applied directly to control two-dimensional Blasius boundary layer flows, and can efficiently reduce the downstream perturbation energy. Via flow analyses, the control mechanism found by DRL is the opposition control. Besides, it is found that when the flow instability information is embedded in the reward function of DRL to penalise the instability, the control performance can be further improved in this convectively unstable flow.


76D55 Flow control and optimization for incompressible viscous fluids
76D10 Boundary-layer theory, separation and reattachment, higher-order effects
76E15 Absolute and convective instability and stability in hydrodynamic stability
76M99 Basic methods in fluid mechanics
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence




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