
Probabilistic physics-guided transfer learning for material property prediction in extrusion deposition additive manufacturing. (English) Zbl 1539.74027

Summary: We introduce the concept of physics-guided transfer learning to predict the thermal conductivity of an additively manufactured short-fiber reinforced polymer (SFRP) using micro-structural characteristics extracted from tensile tests. Developing composite manufacturing digital twins for SFRP composite processes like extrusion deposition additive manufacturing (EDAM) require extensive experimental material characterization. Even the same material system printed on different EDAM systems can result in significant changes to the printed micro-structure, affecting the mechanical and transport properties. This, in turn, makes characterization efforts expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, the objective of the paper is to address this experimental bottleneck and use prior information about the material manufactured in one extrusion system to predict its properties when manufactured in another system. To enable this framework, we assume that changes in properties of the same material when manufactured in different systems arise solely due to microstructural changes. To that end, we present a Bayesian framework that can transfer thermal conductivity properties across extrusion deposition additive manufacturing systems. While we discuss the transfer of thermal conductivity properties, the development is such that the framework can be used for the transfer of other properties that depend on microstructural characteristics defined in the manufacturing process. These include the coefficient of thermal expansion, viscoelastic properties, etc. The framework begins by using thermal conductivity data of the composite printed in one extrusion system to probabilistically infer the constituent thermal properties of the fiber and the polymer. Next, by conducting limited tensile tests of the same material printed in another extrusion system, we infer its orientation tensor. Finally, the inferred constituent thermal conductivity properties and the inferred orientation tensor are coupled using a micromechanics model to predict the thermal conductivity properties of the composite printed in the second extrusion system. We experimentally verify the predictions and show that our method provides a reliable framework for transferring material properties while accounting for epistemic and aleatory uncertainties.


74A40 Random materials and composite materials
74S60 Stochastic and other probabilistic methods applied to problems in solid mechanics
80A19 Diffusive and convective heat and mass transfer, heat flow


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