
\(\ell^2\) inference for change points in high-dimensional time series via a two-way MOSUM. (English) Zbl 1539.62273

Summary: We propose an inference method for detecting multiple change points in high-dimensional time series, targeting dense or spatially clustered signals. Our method aggregates moving sum (MOSUM) statistics cross-sectionally by an \(\ell^2\)-norm and maximizes them over time. We further introduce a novel Two-Way MOSUM, which utilizes spatial-temporal moving regions to search for breaks, with the added advantage of enhancing testing power when breaks occur in only a few groups. The limiting distribution of an \(\ell^2\)-aggregated statistic is established for testing break existence by extending a high-dimensional Gaussian approximation theorem to spatial-temporal nonstationary processes. Simulation studies exhibit promising performance of our test in detecting nonsparse weak signals. Two applications on equity returns and COVID-19 cases in the United States show the real-world relevance of our algorithms. The R package “L2hdchange” is available on CRAN.


62M10 Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH)
62H15 Hypothesis testing in multivariate analysis
62E20 Asymptotic distribution theory in statistics
62G20 Asymptotic properties of nonparametric inference


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