
Borel-Moore homology of determinantal varieties. (English) Zbl 1539.14109

Summary: We compute the rational Borel-Moore homology groups for affine determinantal varieties in the spaces of general, symmetric, and skew-symmetric matrices, solving a problem suggested by the work of Pragacz and Ratajski. The main ingredient is the relation with Hartshorne’s algebraic de Rham homology theory, and the calculation of the singular cohomology of matrix orbits using the methods of Cartan and Borel. We also establish the degeneration of the Čech-de Rham spectral sequence for determinantal varieties and compute explicitly the dimensions of de Rham cohomology groups of local cohomology with determinantal support, which are analogues of Lyubeznik numbers first introduced by Switala. Additionally, in the case of general matrices, we further determine the Hodge numbers of the singular cohomology of matrix orbits and of the Borel-Moore homology of their closures, based on Saito’s theory of mixed Hodge modules.


14M12 Determinantal varieties
14D07 Variation of Hodge structures (algebro-geometric aspects)
32S35 Mixed Hodge theory of singular varieties (complex-analytic aspects)
55N33 Intersection homology and cohomology in algebraic topology
55N35 Other homology theories in algebraic topology
57T15 Homology and cohomology of homogeneous spaces of Lie groups