
Uniqueness of \(L^p\) subsolutions to the heat equation on Finsler measure spaces. (English) Zbl 1536.58016

The author considers the uniqueness of subsolution to the heat equation on Finsler manifold.
Let \((M,F)\) be a Finsler manifold with a Finsler metric \(F: TM \to [0,+\infty)\) associated with the Minkowski norm on each fiber \(T_xM, x\in M\), homogeneous on the fiber variable \(F(x,\lambda y) = \lambda F(x,y), \forall \lambda > 0\), and such that the matrix \((g_{ij}(x,y)) := (\frac{1}{2}(F^2)_{y^iy^j})\) is positive definite. A Finsler measure space \((M,F,m)\) is a Finsler space \((M,F)\) with a measure \(m\). The nonreversibility \(F(x,y) \ne F(x,-y)\) causes an asymmetry of the associated distance. One defines the dual metric \[F^*(x, \xi) = \sup_{F(x,y) = 1} \xi(y),\] and as usual \(L^p\) spaces and Sobolev spaces \[L^p = \{ u ; \int_M [F^*(du)]^p dm < \infty \}, W^{1,p} = \{ u\in L^p(M)\; |\; ||u||_{L^p} + ||F^*(du)||_{L^p} + ||F^*(-du)||_{L^p} < \infty \},\] \[W^{1,p}_0 = \overline{[C^\infty_0(M)]_{1,p}}\] as the completion of the space of smooth functions with compact support with respect to the Sobolev norm \(||.||_{1,p}\), \(H^1 := W^{1,2}\), the Banach dual \(H^{-1} := (H^1)^*\). A subsolution \(u\) on \([0,T] \times M\) to the heat equation \(\partial_t u = \Delta u\) is a function \[u \in L^2([0,T],H^1(M)) \cap H^1([0,T], H^{-1}(M))\] with \(\int_M \Phi \partial_t u dm < - \int_M d\Phi (\nabla u)dm\).
The main results are:
1. For \(p>1\), any subsolution \(u(t,x)\) to the heat equation on \([0,\infty) \times M\) satisfying \(u(t,x) \in L^p(M)\) and \[\int_M u^p(t,x) dm \equiv 0, \forall t>0\] must vanish identically (Theorem 1.1).
2. If the Ricci curvature is nonnegative, Ric\(_N. \geq 0\) for some \(N \in [n,\infty)\), then for any \(0<p\leq 2\) any nonnegative subsolution \(u \in L^p(\mathbb R \times M)\) on \(\mathbb R \times M\) must vanish identically (Theorem 1.2).


58J35 Heat and other parabolic equation methods for PDEs on manifolds
58J60 Relations of PDEs with special manifold structures (Riemannian, Finsler, etc.)
53C60 Global differential geometry of Finsler spaces and generalizations (areal metrics)
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