
On the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem. (English) Zbl 1536.32002

One of the fundamental analytic tools used in complex geometry is the Ohsawa-Takegoshi (O-T) extension theorem. For any particular application one typically needs a new version of this result. In this paper variants of O-T theorem are proven when \(h_L\) a Hermitian metric on a line bundle \(L\) over a projective manifold \(X\) admits singularities, and the sub-variety \(Y\) of \(X\), from which we extend canonical forms, is a divisor with simple normal crossings. Since the statements are rather lengthy here I describe the first main result referring to the paper for other (and also related conjectures). Thus apart from the objects mentioned above one considers \(h_Y\) a smooth metric on the bundle corresponding to \(\mathcal{O} (Y )\). The curvatures of the metrics satisfy \[ \Theta _{h_L} \geq 0, \ \ \ \Theta _{h_L} \geq \delta \Theta _{h_Y} (Y), \ \ \ \delta >0. \] Locally \(h_L =e^{-\varphi _L}, \ \ h_Y=e^{-\varphi _Y}\), and for some holomorphic functions \(f_j\), not identically zero on components of \(Y,\) \[ \varphi _L = \sum a_j \log |f_j |^2 +\tau _L , \] where \(a_j \) are positive numbers and \(\tau _L\) is non-singular.
For a twisted canonical form on \(Y\): \(u\in H^0 (X, (K_X +Y+L)\otimes \mathcal{O}_X / \mathcal{O}_X (-Y) )\) its restrictions to coordinate charts \(u_{|V_j}\) have extensions \(U_j \in H^0 (V_j , (K_X +Y+L)\) satisfying \[ \int_{V_j } |U_j |^2 e^{-\varphi _L -\varphi _Y} < \infty . \] Apart from those rather standard assumptions there are two more concerning singularities. In some open set \(V\) containing singularities of \(Y\) there is a snc divisor \(W\) given by \(\{ z_j =0\} , \ j\leq m,\) such that \[ \varphi _L = \sum (1-\frac{1}{k_j })\log |z_j |^2 +\tau _L , \] \(k_j\) positive integers, \(\tau _L\) bounded.
Moreover the curvature of the restriction of \(h_L\) to \(V\) is bounded from below by constant times the restriction of a fixed conic Kähler metric \(\omega _{\mathcal C}\) locally quasi-isometric with \[ \sum _1 ^m \frac{idz_j \wedge d\bar{z}_j }{|z_j|^{2-2/k_j } } + \sum _{j>m} idz_j \wedge d\bar{z}_j . \] Under the above hypothesis \(u\) extends to \(X\) and there exists a section \(U\in H^0 (X , (K_X +Y+L)\) with \(U_{|Y}=u\) satisfying the estimate \[ \int_{X\setminus V}|U|^2 e^{-\varphi _L -\varphi _Y} d \omega _{\mathcal C} \leq C\left[\int_{Y\setminus V} |\frac{u}{ds}|e^{-\varphi _L} + \sum_j \left(\int _{Y_j \cap V} |\frac{u}{ds}|_{ \omega _{\mathcal C} }^{2/(1+a)} e^{-\frac{\varphi _L}{1+a} } dV _{ \omega _{\mathcal C} }\right)^{1+a} \right], \] where \(s\) is the canonical section of \(\mathcal{O} (Y )\) normalized by \(|s|_{h_Y} \leq e^{-\delta}\) , \(a\in (0,1]\) is a prescribed number, and then \(C\) depends on \(a\), constant from curvature inequalities, geometry of the conic metric, and the upper bound on \(Tr_{ \omega _{\mathcal C} }dd^c \tau _L .\) The explicit dependence can be extracted from the proof.


32A60 Zero sets of holomorphic functions of several complex variables
32Q15 Kähler manifolds
32D15 Continuation of analytic objects in several complex variables


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