
A SAT attack on Erdős-Szekeres numbers in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) and the empty hexagon theorem. (English) Zbl 1535.52016

Summary: A famous result by P. Erdős and G. Szekeres [Compos. Math. 2, 463–470 (1935; Zbl 0012.27010; JFM 61.0651.04)] asserts that, for all \(k, d \in \mathbb{N}\), there is a smallest integer \(n = g^{(d)}(k)\) such that every set of at least \(n\) points in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) in general position contains a \(k\)-gon, that is, a subset of \(k\) points in convex position. We present a SAT model based on acyclic chirotopes (oriented matroids) to investigate Erdős-Szekeres numbers in small dimensions. SAT instances are solved using modern SAT solvers and unsatisfiability results are verified using DRAT certificates. We show \(g^{(3)}(7) = 13, g^{(4)}(8) \leq 13\), and \(g^{(5)}(9) \leq 13\), which are the first improvements for decades. For the setting of \(k\)-holes (i.e., \(k\)-gons with no other points in the convex hull), where \(h^{(d)}(k)\) denotes the smallest integer \(n\) such that every set of at least \(n\) points in \(R^d\) in general position contains a \(k\)-hole, we show \(h^{(3)}(7) \leq 14, h^{(4)}(8) \leq 13\), and \(h^{(5)}(9) \leq 13\). All obtained bounds are sharp in the setting of acyclic chirotopes and we conjecture them to be sharp also in the original setting of point sets. Last but not least, we verify all previously known bounds and, in particular, we present the first computer-assisted proof for the existence of 6-holes in sufficiently planar point sets by verifying Gerken’s estimate \(h^{(2)}(6) \leq g^{(2)}(9)\).


52C10 Erdős problems and related topics of discrete geometry
68V05 Computer assisted proofs of proofs-by-exhaustion type
52C40 Oriented matroids in discrete geometry


DRAT-trim; CaDiCaL
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