
Parameterised complexity of model checking and satisfiability in propositional dependence logic. (English) Zbl 1534.68108

Summary: Dependence Logic was introduced by J. Väänänen [Dependence logic. A new approach to independence friendly logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2007; Zbl 1117.03037)]. We study a propositional variant of this logic (\(\mathcal{PDL}\)) and investigate a variety of parameterisations with respect to central decision problems. The model checking problem (MC) of \(\mathcal{PDL}\) is NP-complete [J. Ebbing and P. Lohmann, Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 7147, 226–237 (2012; Zbl 1298.68170)]. The subject of this research is to identify a list of parameterisations (formula-size, formula-depth, treewidth, team-size, number of variables) under which MC becomes fixed-parameter tractable. Furthermore, we show that the number of disjunctions or the arity of dependence atoms (dep-arity) as a parameter both yield a paraNP-completeness result. Then, we consider the satisfiability problem (SAT) which classically is known to be NP-complete as well [P. Lohmann and H. Vollmer, Stud. Log. 101, No. 2, 343–366 (2013; Zbl 1432.03043)]. There we are presenting a different picture: under team-size, or dep-arity SAT is paraNP-complete whereas under all other mentioned parameters the problem is FPT. Finally, we introduce a variant of the satisfiability problem, asking for a team of a given size, and show for this problem an almost complete picture.


68Q60 Specification and verification (program logics, model checking, etc.)
03B70 Logic in computer science
68Q17 Computational difficulty of problems (lower bounds, completeness, difficulty of approximation, etc.)
68Q27 Parameterized complexity, tractability and kernelization
68R07 Computational aspects of satisfiability


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