
On Euler number of symplectic hyperbolic manifold. (English) Zbl 1534.58003

According to the Hopf conjecture, the Euler characteristic \(\chi(M)\) of a negatively curved \(2n\)-manifold \(M\) should have sign \((-1)^n\). For \(n>1\) this is not implied by the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet Theorem. For negatively curved Kähler manifolds and more generally for so-called Kähler hyperbolic manifolds the conjecture was proved by M. Gromov, [J. Differ. Geom. 33, No. 1, 263–292 (1991; Zbl 0719.53042)]. There, a manifold is called Kähler hyperbolic, if the pull-back of the Kähler form to its universal covering space is the differential of a bounded form. Gromov proved that under this assumption one obtains a lower bound for the spectrum of the Laplacian \(\Delta_d\) acting on \(k\)-forms for \(k\not=n\). In particular, there are no harmonic \(L^2\)-forms in degrees \(k\not=n\) and thus the \(L^2\)-Betti numbers \(b_k^{(2)}\) vanish in these degrees. Since the Euler characteristics is the alternating sum of the \(L^2\)-Betti numbers, one obtains \(\chi(M)=(-1)^nb_n^{(2)}(M)\), which implies the Hopf conjecture.
The paper under review generalizes Gromov’s result to so-called special symplectic hyperbolic closed manifolds. These are almost Kähler manifolds, where the pull-back of the Kähler form is the differential of a bounded form \(\theta\) with the additional condition \(\Vert\theta\Vert^{-2}_\infty\ge \frac{C}{4}\Vert N_J\Vert^2_\infty\) for the Nijenhuis tensor \(N_J\). (For the Kähler hyperbolic case, this is trivially true because \(N_J=0\). For a closed almost Kähler manifold with sectional curvature bounded above by a negative constant \(-K\), one has \(\Vert\theta\Vert_\infty\le\sqrt{n}K^{-\frac{1}{2}}\), from which the inequality follows for large enough \(K\), that is, after scaling.)
Gromov’s proof in the Kähler case built on the identity \(\left[L,\Delta_d\right]=0\), derived from the Kähler identities for the Lefschetz operator \(L\), its adjoint \(\Lambda\), and the Dolbeault \((1,0)\)- and \((0,1)\)-operators \(\partial, \overline{\partial}\). For almost Kähler manifolds one has a decomposition \(d=\partial+\overline{\partial}+A_J+\overline{A_J}\), where the last two summands come from the Nijenhuis tensor and vanish in the Kähler case, and one has almost Kähler identities due to J. Cirici and S. O. Wilson, [Sel. Math., New Ser. 26, No. 3, Paper No. 35, 27 p. (2020; Zbl 1442.32034)].
The identity \(\left[L,\Delta_d\right]=0\) does actually hold if and only if the almost Kähler manifold is Kähler. However, denoting \(d^\prime=\partial+\overline{A_J}\), the author considers the Laplacian \(\Delta_{d^\prime}\), for which he proves \(\left[L,\Delta_{d^\prime}\right]=0\) and hence the Hard Lefschetz Condition, that is the existence of an \(\mathfrak{sl}_2\)-structure on \(d^\prime\)-harmonic forms. From this, the author obtains (for every almost Kähler manifold, where the pull-back of the Kähler is the differential of a bounded form) a lower bound for the spectrum and hence nonexistence of \(d^\prime\)-harmonic forms in degree \(k\not=n\). In the case of special symplectic hyperbolic manifolds, the author can improve this to show that for \(n\) odd resp.even the kernel of \(d^\prime+d^{\prime *}\) consists only of \(L^2\)-forms in odd resp.even degrees. Because a suitable \(L^2\)-index of this operator computes the Euler characteristics, this implies the Hopf conjecture in this case.


58A14 Hodge theory in global analysis
53C15 General geometric structures on manifolds (almost complex, almost product structures, etc.)


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