
Early warning of systemic risk in global banking: eigen-pair R number for financial contagion and market price-based methods. (English) Zbl 1532.91132

Ann. Oper. Res. 330, No. 1-2, 691-729 (2023); correction ibid. 30, No. 1-2, 841 (2023).
Summary: We analyse systemic risk in the core global banking system using a new network-based spectral eigen-pair method, which treats network failure as a dynamical system stability problem. This is compared with market price-based systemic risk indexes (SRIs), viz. marginal expected shortfall (MES), delta conditional value-at-risk (Delta-CoVaR), and conditional capital shortfall measure of systemic risk (SRISK) in a cross-border setting. Unlike paradoxical market price based risk measures, which underestimate risk during periods of asset price booms, the eigen-pair method based on bilateral balance sheet data gives early-warning of instability in terms of the tipping point that is analogous to the R number in epidemic models. For this regulatory capital thresholds are used. Furthermore, network centrality measures identify systemically important and vulnerable banking systems. Market price-based SRIs are contemporaneous with the crisis and they are found to covary with risk measures like VaR and betas.


91G45 Financial networks (including contagion, systemic risk, regulation)
91G70 Statistical methods; risk measures


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