
Partitioned subiterative coupling schemes for aeroelasticity using combined interface boundary condition method. (English) Zbl 1529.76049

Summary: The combined interface boundary condition (CIBC) method has been recently proposed for fluid-structure interaction. The CIBC method employs a Gauss-Seidel-like procedure to transform traditional interface conditions into velocity and traction corrections whose effect is controlled by a dimensional parameter. However, the original CIBC method has to invoke the uncorrected traction when forming the traction correction. This process limits its application to fluid-rigid body interaction. To repair this drawback, a new formulation of the CIBC method has been developed by using a new coupling parameter. The reconstruction is simple and the structural traction is removed completely. Two partitioned subiterative coupling versions of the CIBC method are developed. The first scheme is an implicit strategy while the second one is a semi-implicit strategy. Iterative loops are actualised by the fixed-point algorithm with Aitken accelerator. The obtained results agree with the well-documented data, and some famous flow phenomena have been successfully detected.


76G25 General aerodynamics and subsonic flows
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