
Solitary waves in the excitable Burridge-Knopoff model. (English) Zbl 1524.86027

Summary: The Burridge-Knopoff model is a lattice differential equation describing a chain of blocks connected by springs and pulled over a surface. This model was originally introduced to investigate nonlinear effects arising in the dynamics of earthquake faults. One of the main ingredients of the model is a nonlinear velocity-dependent friction force between the blocks and the fixed surface. For some classes of non-monotonic friction forces, the system displays a large response to perturbations above a threshold, which is characteristic of excitable dynamics. Using extensive numerical simulations, we show that this response corresponds to the propagation of a solitary wave for a broad range of friction laws (smooth or nonsmooth) and parameter values. These solitary waves develop shock-like profiles at large coupling (a phenomenon connected with the existence of weak solutions in a formal continuum limit) and propagation failure occurs at low coupling. We introduce a simplified piecewise linear friction law (reminiscent of the McKean nonlinearity for excitable cells) which allows us to obtain an analytical expression of solitary waves and study some of their qualitative properties, such as wave speed and propagation failure. We propose a possible physical realization of this system as a chain of impulsively forced mechanical oscillators. In certain parameter regimes, non-monotonic friction forces can also give rise to bistability between the ground state and limit-cycle oscillations and allow for the propagation of fronts connecting these two stable states.


86A15 Seismology (including tsunami modeling), earthquakes
35C08 Soliton solutions


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