
Principles of analytic number theory. 2nd edition. (Основы аналитической теории чисел.) (Russian) Zbl 1524.11003

Moskva: “Nauka”. 240 p. (1983).
See the reviews of the first edition of the Russian original and the English translation in [Zbl 0428.10019; Zbl 0767.11001].


11-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to number theory
11Lxx Exponential sums and character sums
11M06 \(\zeta (s)\) and \(L(s, \chi)\)
11N05 Distribution of primes
11N13 Primes in congruence classes
11P05 Waring’s problem and variants
11P32 Goldbach-type theorems; other additive questions involving primes
11P21 Lattice points in specified regions
11P55 Applications of the Hardy-Littlewood method