
Deriving dualities in pointfree topology from Priestley duality. (English) Zbl 1523.18010

In pointfree topology there is a well-known dual adjunction between the category \(\mathsf{Top}\)of topological spaces and continuous maps and the category \(\mathsf{Frm}\)of frames and frame homomorphisms, restricting to a dual equivalence between the category \(\mathsf{Sob}\)of sober spaces and the category \(\mathsf{SFrm}\)of spacial frames. Further restrictions yield the following classical results.
Hofmann-Lawson duality between the category \(\mathsf{ConFrm}\)of continuous frames and proper frame homomorphisms and the category \(\mathsf{LKSob}\)of locally compact spaces and proper maps [K. H. Hofmann and J. D. Lawson, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 246, 285–310 (1978; Zbl 0402.54043)].
A dual equivalence between the full subcategory \(\mathsf{StCFrm}\)of \(\mathsf{ConFrm}\)consisting of stably continuous frames and the full subcategory \(\mathsf{StLKSp}\)of \(\mathsf{LKSob}\)consisting of stably locally compact spaces, which further restricts to a dual equivalence between the full subcategory \(\mathsf{StKFrm}\)of stably compact frames and \(\mathsf{StKSp}\)of stably compact spaces [B. Banaschewski, Lect. Notes Math. 871, 1–11 (1981; Zbl 0461.06010); G. Gierz and K. Keimel, Houston J. Math. 3, 207–224 (1977; Zbl 0359.06015); P. T. Johnstone, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 22, 229–247 (1981; Zbl 0445.18005); H. Simmons, Topology Appl. 13, 201–223 (1982; Zbl 0484.18005)].
Isbell duality between the full subcategory \(\mathsf{KRFrm}\)of \(\mathsf{Frm}\)consisting of compact regular frames and the full subcategory \(\mathsf{KHaus}\)of \(\mathsf{Top}\)consisting of compact Hausdorff spaces [J. R. Isbell, Math. Scand. 31, 5–32 (1972; Zbl 0246.54028)].

This paper aims to provide a different perspective on these dualities by utilizing Priestley duality [H. A. Priestley, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 2, 186–190 (1970; Zbl 0201.01802); Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 24, 507–530 (1972; Zbl 0323.06011)], which establishes a dual equivalence between the category \(\mathsf{DLat}\)of bounded distributive lattices and bounded lattice homomorphisms and \(\mathsf{Pries}\)of Priedtley spaces and Priestley morphisms.
The synopsis of the paper goes as follows.
§ 2
introduces the categories of frames and spaces of interest, presenting the relevant dualities.
§ 3
addresses Priestley duality and its restriction to frames.
§ 4
characterizes spacial frames in the language of Priestley duality, connecting the associated Priestley spaces with sober spaces.
§ 5
further restricts this correspondence to continuous frames, their associated Priestley spsces, and locally compact sober spaces.
§ 6
derives the duality between stably continuous frames and stably locally compact spaces by describing stability in the language of Priestley spaces. This gives a new proof of the duality between stably compact frames and stably compact spaces.
§ 7
describes regularity in the language of Priestley spaces, providing an alternative proof of Isbell duality.


18F70 Frames and locales, pointfree topology, Stone duality
06D22 Frames, locales
06D50 Lattices and duality
06E15 Stone spaces (Boolean spaces) and related structures
54D30 Compactness
54D45 Local compactness, \(\sigma\)-compactness


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