
Coupling dynamics of 2D notch-delta signalling. (English) Zbl 1522.92019

Summary: Understanding pattern formation driven by cell-cell interactions has been a significant theme in cellular biology for many years. In particular, due to their implications within many biological contexts, lateral-inhibition mechanisms present in the notch-delta signalling pathway led to an extensive discussion between biologists and mathematicians. Deterministic and stochastic models have been developed as a consequence of this discussion, some of which address long-range signalling by considering cell protrusions reaching non-neighbouring cells. The dynamics of such signalling systems reveal intricate properties of the coupling terms involved in these models. In this work, we investigate the advantages and drawbacks of a single-parameter long-range signalling model across diverse scenarios. By employing linear and multi-scale analyses, we discover that pattern selection is not only partially explained but also depends on nonlinear effects that extend beyond the scope of these analytical techniques.


92C37 Cell biology
92C15 Developmental biology, pattern formation


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