
Neural-like P systems with plasmids. (English) Zbl 1518.68103

Summary: Two types of cells for bio-inspired computations are neurons and bacteria: the former have “simple” neurons that connect together to become more useful, i.e. structure is important to their overall function; the latter have bacteria “processing” DNA such as plasmids. We combine inspirations from both cell types as neural-like P systems with plasmids or NP P systems: bacteria are nodes in a digraph, with edges as communication links among bacteria. Bacteria use “transmit” and “kill” operations to send or remove plasmids. Another bio-inspiration is homogeneous bacteria, i.e. each bacterium has the same set of rules. Combining a neural-like structure with conjugation using plasmids proves useful: NP P systems are computationally complete even with homogeneous bacteria; bounding the number of plasmids reduces their computing power; we give an estimate of 164 bacteria for homogeneous NP P systems to remain complete.


68Q07 Biologically inspired models of computation (DNA computing, membrane computing, etc.)
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