
Enumerating regular expressions and their languages. (English) Zbl 1517.68190

Pin, Jean-Éric (ed.), Handbook of automata theory. Volume I. Theoretical foundations. Berlin: European Mathematical Society (EMS). 459-491 (2021).
This chapter of the Handbook guides the reader through the process of enumerating rational expressions of a given length and, subsequently, obtaining lower and upper bounds for the number of rational languages determined by rational expressions of given length. The authors consider three different notions of length in this context and summarise the basic relations among them.
The enumeration of rational expressions of given length can be performed using the standard methodology of analytic combinatorics – see, e.g., [P. Flajolet and R. Sedgewick, Analytic combinatorics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2009; Zbl 1165.05001)]. The key is to observe that the language of all rational expressions can be generated by an unambiguous context-free grammar. This grammar may differ depending on precisely which rational expressions one considers to be valid (for instance, it is debatable whether one should allow the empty expression or expressions containing superfluous parentheses). The authors explicitly describe an unambiguous context-free grammar that they use as a specification of valid rational expressions in their considerations.
Given an unambiguous context-free grammar generating some subset \(S\) of all rational expressions, it follows by the Chomsky-Schützenberger enumeration theorem that if \(a_n\) denotes the number of rational expressions of (ordinary) length \(n\) in \(S\), then the generating function of the sequence of all such \(a_n\) is algebraic. In fact, the grammar can be directly transformed to an \(\mathbb{N}\)-algebraic system of equations such that the said generating function is the first component of its unique solution. Using Gröbner bases, one can further transform this system to a single algebraic equation satisfied by the generating function. This process is informally explained by the authors.
An exact asymptotic estimate for \(a_n\) as \(n\) tends to infinity can be obtained from such an algebraic equation via singularity analysis. Nevertheless, this is not strictly necessary for the enumeration of rational languages as presented by the authors, so the reader is only referred to [loc. cit.] regarding these matters. Instead, the authors describe in detail how to obtain simple lower and upper bounds for \(a_n\) by making use of Pringsheim’s theorem.
Lower bounds for the number of rational languages determined by rational expressions of given length are then obtained by applying these observations to unambiguous grammars for certain particular families of rational expressions such that any two distinct expressions in this family determine different rational languages. Any lower bound for the number of such expressions thus also gives a lower bound for the number of rational languages. On the other hand, upper bounds are obtained by considering certain normal forms of rational expressions, i.e., families of expressions that still can be used to determine every rational language. Any upper bound for the number of such expressions yields an upper bound for the number of rational languages.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1470.68001].


68Q45 Formal languages and automata
05A16 Asymptotic enumeration


Zbl 1165.05001




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