
Adaptive step size rules for stochastic optimization in large-scale learning. (English) Zbl 1516.62033

Summary: The importance of the step size in stochastic optimization has been confirmed both theoretically and empirically during the past few decades and reconsidered in recent years, especially for large-scale learning. Different rules of selecting the step size have been discussed since the arising of stochastic approximation methods. The first part of this work reviews the studies on several representative techniques of setting the step size, covering heuristic rules, meta-learning procedure, adaptive step size technique and line search technique. The second component of this work proposes a novel class of accelerating stochastic optimization methods by resorting to the Barzilai-Borwein (BB) technique with a diagonal selection rule for the metric, particularly, termed as DBB. We first explore the theoretical and empirical properties of variance reduced stochastic optimization algorithms with DBB. Especially, we study the theoretical and numerical properties of the resulting method under strongly convex and non-convex cases respectively. To great show the efficacy of the step size schedule of DBB, we extend it into more general stochastic optimization methods. The theoretical and empirical properties of such the case also developed under different cases. Extensive numerical results in machine learning are offered, suggesting that the proposed algorithms show much promise.


62-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to statistics
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