
Dynamical decoherence of a qubit coupled to a quantum dot or the SYK black hole. (English) Zbl 1515.82026

Summary: We study the dynamical decoherence of a qubit weakly coupled to a two-body random interaction model (TBRIM) describing a quantum dot of interacting fermions or the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) black hole model. We determine the rates of qubit relaxation and dephasing for regimes of dynamical thermalization of the quantum dot or of quantum chaos in the SYK model. These rates are found to correspond to the Fermi golden rule and quantum Zeno regimes depending on the qubit-fermion coupling strength. An unusual regime is found where these rates are practically independent of TBRIM parameters. We push forward an analogy between TBRIM and quantum small-world networks with an explosive spreading over exponentially large number of states in a finite time being similar to six degrees of separation in small-world social networks. We find that the SYK model has approximately two-three degrees of separation.


82B10 Quantum equilibrium statistical mechanics (general)


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