
An alternative circular smoothing method to nonparametric estimation of periodic functions. (English) Zbl 1514.62946

Summary: This article provides alternative circular smoothing methods in nonparametric estimation of periodic functions. By treating the data as ‘circular’, we solve the “boundary issue” in the nonparametric estimation treating the data as ‘linear’. By redefining the distance metric and signed distance, we modify many estimators used in the situations involving periodic patterns. In the perspective of ‘nonparametric estimation of periodic functions’, we present the examples in nonparametric estimation of (1) a periodic function, (2) multiple periodic functions, (3) an evolving function, (4) a periodically varying-coefficient model and (5) a generalized linear model with periodically varying coefficient. In the perspective of ‘circular statistics’, we provide alternative approaches to calculate the weighted average and evaluate the ‘linear/circular-linear/circular’ association and regression. Simulation studies and an empirical study of electricity price index have been conducted to illustrate and compare our methods with other methods in the literature.


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